Coffee with the Docs Podcast

Abby and I are two holistic doctors who have a strong mission to get elite information on health + wellness to YOU!

In practice we just don't get enough time with our patients to delve into everything we want them to know to upgrade their lifestyle and create healthier habits or biohack their way to greater health. We found through this platform we can not only introduce our patients to high level information, but we can introduce them to people we really respect in all things mind, body and spirit. BONUS: we also get to help spread information to so many more people that we don't get to work with one on one.

Publishing new episodes monthly we’ll bring the best and brightest experts your way, so you don’t have to do the research! We believe mind, body and spirit are all equally important in healing. You can find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, and Stitcher. We are so excited to see where the podcast takes us…tune in and leave us a review!


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