Brand Partnerships

As a health and wellness professional, I have the honor of working with some really awesome and innovative brands in the field. Here I'll be sharing some of my very favorites, along with discount codes for you to utilize whenever possible. Enjoy!

HigherDose infrared mat

Purchase your mat here.

You get the amazing benefits of Earth’s balancing properties by using the power of PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) to recharge your cells while leaving you relaxed, regrounded and rebalanced. Experience a deeper sense of calm, fight inflammation, and enjoy a therapeutic dose of infrared heat without needing an intense sweat session. Our Infrared Mat provides a full-body reset that doesn’t require a full-body cleanup.

BLUblox Sleep+ are the ones I talk about the most.

Sleep+ is our signature blue and green light blocking lens, eliminating 100% of blue and green light between 400nm to 550nm. This is the exact range that has been shown in clinical trials to disrupt melatonin and negatively impact our sleep.

Sleep+ are the best blue light blocking glasses available for optimising sleep, recovery and balancing hormones. Sleep+ is to be worn 2-3 hours before bed for optimal results after just one evening’s use. Sleep+ is also a key tool in managing jet lag and is used by the world’s most optimal athletes and wellness professionals for improved sleep, focus and recovery.

This is my favorite air purifier!

As we spend more time at home, the need for clean air, free from contaminants has never been more important.

 For additional product spotlights and other health + wellness tips


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